Michael B. Manes, P.A. Service Areas
Bankruptcy Law
Our bankruptcy law specialists work to protect families, individuals and businesses during your most difficult financial trials. We’ll stop creditors from breathing down your neck right away, taking the time to explain local bankruptcy law rules and the filing process in depth.
Civil Litigation
Civil litigation differs from criminal proceedings in that consequences typically involve paying a monetary fine, known as damages, to the victim(s). Our comprehensive services take you through the preparation, filing and the court process, vigorously defending your rights, and bringing legal clarity to the tough decisions you are facing.
Commercial Law
We position ourselves as industry leaders in the development of creative case strategies that result in favorable rulings and an increase in prosperity for you. Our advisors have years of experience providing expert guidance to companies across a wide breadth of industries and are committed to understanding the full scope of your business and objectives to customize actionable plans that align with your goals.
Corporate Law
Members of our firm’s corporate law team stay on the cutting edge of shifts in governmental regulations and enforcement. We track and predict changes in shareholder demands and entity requirements across a wide breadth of industries around the globe.
Criminal Law
Our criminal law analysts and defense specialists draw from a background representing years of experience advocating for citizens and businesses, just like you. We handle a variety of complex felony and misdemeanor charges ranging from murder charges to domestic violence and driving while impaired accusations.
Elder Law
We choose to specialize in assisting the aging population with planning and protection because we care. Our hand-selected staff put you first, listening to your financial, estate and future living arrangement goals to ensure we understand your intentions before we have you sign or agree to anything.
Estate Law
Implementing the right planning vehicle for your unique situation ensures your assets are divided according to your wishes upon your passing, and that your legacy lives on as you intended. We take the time to review the fine details of your plans to ensure your goals are bound by state and federal law, and your finances are protected from over-taxation.
Family Law
For many years, our family law professionals have been working to assist family’s living in all areas of state and federal law. Our family specialists practice in areas that include divorce, legal separation, mediation, alternate dispute settlement, and child custody, protection and adoption proceedings
Immigration Law
We provide top immigration law assistance to individuals and their families who are looking to make a new home. When you are leaving your home to settle in a new country regardless of the reason, navigating the complexities of foreign local laws, without the informed guidance of a specialist, can be confusing, intimidating and can end up taking a lot longer than necessary.
Labor And Employment Law
Our aggressive in-court tactics and ability to produce favorable rulings against companies of all sizes make us leaders in labor and employment law. We support you and your loved ones with highly intelligent litigation strategy in and out of the courthouse, and help you with all the necessary documentation you need for success.
Lawyer Attorney
The best time to hire a lawyer attorney is usually before you need one but later is always better than never. Remember, even professional lawyer attorneys consult with specialists in areas that fall out of the range of their field of expertise.
Lawyer Services
We pride ourselves in being among the leaders in law advice and litigation in virtually every practice area. Our diverse team specializes in criminal law, civil law and family law, with a focus on delivering unparalleled service to every aspect of your experience with us.
Legal Services
We are a friendly and highly knowledgeable group of dedicated lawyers who specialize in many key areas of the law, in the United States and internationally. If you are an individual or business seeking affordable legal services but are unsure of which practice area your situation falls under, we can help.
Personal Injury
Our highly qualified law team has years of experience defending people just like you, in and outside of the courthouse. Medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering add up when you or a loved one are hurt or fatally injured. Allow us to expedite and clarify the claims process for you, giving you expert advice and explaining all of your options.
Real Estate Law
We understand the increasing complexities surrounding real estate law. We’ve been helping individuals and businesses, just like you, achieve their goals through due diligence, creative strategy and impressive organization.